Moss and earth

Environment division

Logo Baioni divisione environment

It is crucial for us to respect soils, lands, marine sediments and clean them from any pollutants that could be dangerous for the environment and potentially harmful to humans. 

The Environment Division of Baioni is dedicated to the design, development and production of plants for the treatment of contaminated soils and sediments.

Our technologies

Soil Washing

Soil Washing plant Baioni
Sediment Washing plant Baioni

Sediment washing


Stabilization solidifcation Baioni plant
With our technologies and processes we give oxygen back to earth.
Because life is shaped from the soil.

Application fields

Chemical poles and pre-petrochemical treatments contaminated Baioni

Chemical sites

Mooring areas treatments Baioni

Ports and Marinas


Shypyards treatments Baioni




Landfills treatments Baioni

Landfill sites