Water & sludge management

Impianto Baioni per trattamento acque inquinate

Trattamenti fanghi inquinati impianto Baioni

Trattamento acqua inquinata impianto Baioni

Trattamento fanghi Baioni

Trattamento per acque inquinate metalli pesanti impianto Baioni

Trattamento sedime fanghi da fondali Baioni
Concern for environmental protection and reduction of aggressions is growing. In an attempt to protect our ecological surroundings and minimize the negative effects of industrial process it is necessary to purify and recover the waters used during aggregate washing operations. The aim is to clarify the waters coming from quarrying, recycling and industrial operations and recycle them on the same plant, as well as to increase the solids content and reduce the volume of water thereby minimizing the load on downstream processes.
The Baioni wastewater treatment system can be used for quarrying, mining and recycling applications as well as for industrial wastewater treatment plants where the following materials are subjected to washing operations:
- Sand & Gravel
- Aggregates & Mineral
- Drilling & Tunneling
- Soil washing
- Agro-industrial
- Industrial laundry
- Ceramic industry
- Industrial processes
Why choose Baioni?
- faster to install
- safer in operation
- easier to expand
- easier to remove